Musana Creative Team Day 1

We are at Musana and loving it! Travel went so smooth, a few snores and some plane cuddling and we made it! We arrived yesterday at Musana at lunch and we're greeted with a great meal and an AMAZING introduction to this kids with singing and lots of hugs. We got a better idea of the projects we are going to work on as well as an overwhelming amount of love, games, and songs from the kids! Today we spent the morning learning about the school and touring it and got to see the progress on the secondary school - WOW! It's amazing how much progress has happened and how close they are to providing an absolutely amazing place for kids to continue their education in February.

This afternoon, half of our group uncovered some creativity in the Primary 2 kids (about second grade.) We got to do a super fun project where we sang, danced all while repeating a bible verse. Then, Todd came in and taught about how we can use creativity to memorize bible verse. He looked at an empty wall and turned a bible verse into a piece of art across the cafeteria/pavilion. We then gave the kids supplies to make the Bible verse come to life for them, and they did SO great! They made amazing designs. The verse was "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." Illustrations of this verse were so great and hearing kids sing the verse around campus is awesome. The teachers really jumped in. I looked over while we were going over the verse and the teachers were taking notes on how to further creativity in their classrooms. They helped so much and it's great to see how they can take lessons on creativity and use them in their classrooms. Creativity is hard for Ugandans to grasp. It all seems very black and white while learning and a little bit of creativity can go a long way and make things more fun!

The other half of the group went right to work and painted a massive display of alphabet letters across the nursery school buildings.... so fun and colorful! We finished that up and walked through town to the chime of "mzungu, mzungu!" to Sol View, the NEW cafe in the community that was created by Musana. It is gorgeous! The next few days we will continue to explore the different Musana projects and then in the afternoon, dive into more projects around the Musana campus and projects.

This morning, as a team, we talked about being present. While our time here is short, we are praying we can be present, engaged and enjoy the amazing things God has done in and through Musana. We are thankful to be here!