It's day two of assembly lines - 193 buckets of concrete materials and about 600 cinder blocks. We passed the time with High School Musical songs and a tiny bit of Taylor Swift. David Foster, our guide here in Jamaica with LIA, reminds us often to take joy in our work and today was a great example of that.

We moved the cinder blocks to the roof from the basement so that when other skilled workers come by to help, they might complete their work with the blocks more efficiently since the blocks are now more easily accessible.

The students also got a bit of Jamaican culture learning how to play cricket tonight. Michelle, the author of this, and her team did not win so that's all I have to say about that (it was close though - 20-28).

Tonight David shared his testimony with all of us. His story helped our students see that you can rebound from anything and that God can use those things for His purpose. Without using the words, he offered our students the truth that there are consequences for sin while highlighting God's grace that He can always redeem your life.