Today it rained.

It was the day of prayer and fasting for LIA today and and we prayed with LIA staff teams around the world like they do each Monday. After praying for the headquarters, we prayed for what was needed in Jamaica and one of those things was rain. It hasn't rained here since early May and they are in desperate need so we prayed for it today and didn't think anymore about it.

Then it rained.

And tonight, as we talked about highlights from the day, the rain was it. The students couldn't believe that God had provided rain after so long. It was easy to write it off as "coincidence" but David encouraged us to see it instead as confirmation - confirmation that God is real and He is listening to us.

Haley said it well when she was sharing what she learned, "Prayer is a big deal. We are talking to the Creator of the Universe." After the rain, as we shopped in Mandeville, Madelynne was talking with David. He looked out the window at the storm and said, "Thank you, God, for the rain." Madelynne said, "God is good, huh?" David's response was, "Always."

I'm excited most to see what the students bring home from today - joy in prayer, praying with faith, and believing that God is real and is with them.