Day 6:
Today we had our team devotional time and focused on Psalm 23, then we met with Mark and discussed how we measure our success with grapevine. It's not about how many students come to grapevine, it's about having a good time with students at grapevine. We went back to the campus and split up to teams again to meet more students. We happen to be able to do this during a passing period so we were able to meet a lot more students. We met many other small groups of students, some freshmen and some seniors, even some who have been exchange students in the United States. We invited them to the Grapevine clubhouse for "Souper Tuesday" that evening. Around noon, half of our group stayed on campus and the other half went to the biggest market any of us have ever seen to get food and supplies for the evening event. The pavilion of the market was probably at least 6 or 7 football fields in size!!! We made it back to Grapevine around 4pm to clean and prepare "farang" foreigner food...spaghetti, garlic bread, and brownies. Around 6pm students began showing up, socializing and getting to know each other. Everyone really enjoyed spending time together over a home cooked meal. Later, Mark, the grapevine leader broke out his guitar and we had a little worship time together.
Global recipe for college ministry= music+food+fun+friends

We're really impressed by Grapevine's staff and this excellent environment where students can bump into Jesus and be a part of a family (sometimes for the first time)!