We have been here officially 48 hours and it has seemed like so much longer (in a good way!). We have packed a lot in to our last two days; meeting with the La Ruta team, meeting the students that attend La Ruta, touring the city of Montevideo, spending some time in prayer for the ministry here, and preparing for "Trivia and lunch" to occur this afternoon.

The thing that stands out to me the most is the welcoming spirit and generous love poured out on us by the team here: David, Claudia (little Emma, too!) , Gianfranco, Rachel, Carmi, Taylor, and Nadine. They have such a way of making you feel like an old friend and at "home" as soon as you walk thru the front door. The building itself is a great place to bring in young adults and share with them the extravagant love of our Heavenly Father and to experience a family; but it's evident the friendship, love, and truth graciously given to everyone that walks thru the doors is what draws old friends and new faces back in day after day.

We still have five days in Uruguay and my hope and prayer is that our team from Denver will bless and serve the team here, as generously as they have started our time here in Montevideo.
