Day Eight – Back in the USofA.

Day Eight – Back in the USofA.

The team has landed safely in Denver and by the time I can send this we will all have gotten a good night’s sleep. We already miss our Afghan family, but it’s good to be home.

Of all the trips I’ve made to Afghanistan, I can’t remember one as full of deeply personal encounters and relationship building as this one – meeting and fellowshipping with other ex-pat aid workers; the one-on-one conversations with the young adults at the ATC; the visit to the IDP camp and talk with the elders; meeting some authentic Afghan heroes, the CHW’s of Barek Aub; the in-home visits with the two men and their families. It was truly a remarkable week.

A couple thank you’s before I sign off: 1) To Robb for teaching us how to "check-in" and for leading us through such a healthy and much needed process every morning, and 2) to Ken and Jon (who shot the photo below) for doing an incredible job of capturing on film and video the lives of the people we serve with sensitivity and respect all while also being totally engaged and vital members of our TEAM.

I know I sound like a broken record on this, but it bears repeating: We can’t thank you enough for your prayers, encouragement, and support throughout our preparation and the trip.

If you have any specific questions or just want to know more about any of our projects in Afghanistan, please feel free to write one of the addresses below.

May God continue to bless you and your families.


[email protected]

"The first time you share tea, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family."
--Afghan proverb
