We were pretty worn out this morning but everyone checked in excited and were ready to see where we ended up. We were dropped of at Aldo's house and like so many it was collapsed. Aldo in his broken English explained that he wanted us to uncover his well if we could. It was a deep well that provided clean water for his family and neighbors. This was going to be another day of swinging sledgehammers and wheelbarrowing concrete.

The day ended up so much different. Aldo's twin brother came and we set about working and we really started making progress. By noon we had uncovered the well!

Aldo then walked us down several blocks where his mother Emma who was temporarily living in a event center had made us lunch. She insisted we all sit at a table together so the chairs and couches were all arraigned around a fold up table and she served us s feast. We sat and talk for two hours about our families, the earthquake and our homes. We prayed together, hugged and reluctantly went back to work.

This morning Jean Luc shared a devotion from Luke 10 about sending out the 72. How they were not to take provisions with them and they would be provided for. This has been our case all week. Each day we're dropped off somewhere and start working not really knowing what the day looks like and each evening we come home hydrated, fed and loved by the community. Not just the house where we're working but neighbors and passerby bring things for us to eat and drink. God is amazing!