Early wake-ups, bonus checked bags, two flights, long layovers, running through bridges, group escorts through immigration, and we are here. We have left families, jobs, friends, and our “norm” to lean into God’s heart in Mexico City. Immediately upon arrival, we found just that. Friendly faces greeted us in the airport, not to just shake our hands and say hello, but to also say, “Welcome back, friends.” As I watched Flatirons team members who have served in Mexico City before, hug familiar faces with Urban Mosaic, it was encouraging seeing that relationship was being deepened between our two groups, our two cultures, our very different lives. Out of relationship with others do we grow as disciples of Christ. In relationship, do we see the power of God rest upon hearts, heal brokenness, and encourage hope.

As we piled into vans and cars to head to the homes we were staying in, we headed out to finally rest after a long day of travel. Our driver welcomed us with conversation of our work, our travel, our families, and friends. He had one rule: we must all speak in Spanish. Luckily, we had placed a member in our car that was able to help guide our conversation, and we snuck in as much google translate as we could. As I sat and listened and absorbed what was going on, I heard our driver share how he met Jesus, how he saw hope enter his life, how he knew God loved him, and how he knew he wanted others to know God loved them too. The three of us in the back of the car sat in compete awe that we were finally here. One of our team members began sharing his story with God and without missing a beat, our driver asked if he could pray for him. It was so completely unreal to see this whole conversation unravel. Strangers to each other but for only a moment, now praying for one another. He so boldly asked to pray. In this momentary conversation, it was as if God had told me it was time to be this brave.

We soon pulled up to our guest home and were greeted with more friendly faces, with homecooked meals, with warm beds, and a chance to take a breath before we were to begin our work the next day. We gathered after dinner and met the staff and founder of this amazing place. They shared the vision first hand of why they are here and why they do what they do. We have been given the chance to learn about and serve this community. My prayer for our team is that we are open to hearing how God will use us as ambassadors for His people through this experience.